Navigations : | | | |

the boy doesn't believe in God, but he dreams that he is Him when he sleeps.

the girl believes in God, but she is scared that she will never see Him again.

the God in between knows that His death is the one reality, but He's happy because He will show them His Paradise.

elysian is a very personal project in which I attempt to put together a story that meshes together my personal faith,humanity's redemption and the mysteries of God.

Because it is an attempt to make philosophical sense while still maintaining a sense of sentimentality (because despite my pretentious tone, I am trying to be sincere with my feelings) it'll be very slow going, especially because I must be faithful to more important things as well.

if somehow, this narrative makes you curious or interested in learning what exactly this all means to me, please feel free to drop me a note (:

for the glory of Christ. thank You for putting up with no-good me.
